16:30-18:30, 3rd saturday of every month

WE MAKE ART HERE: a free monthly music & arts concert series

LOCATION: WE LIVE HERE, OUDEKERKSPLEIN 30, AMSTERDAM, 1012 GZ  (building is accessible)

Discover the Red Light District artists, musicians, and performers in an intimate concert setting! Every 3rd Saturday of the month, RLAC organises concerts, workshops and other creative events followed by drinks and snacks to meet the crew, creatives and local residents.

16:30-17:30 performance
17:30-19:30 BORREL – After-party with free drinks and snacks!

Seating is limited so be sure to come early!



Fernando Oliveira, guitar & voice
Felipe Duarte, percussion 

The style of “Foreign Sound” is devoted solely to one of the best-known Brazilian music styles- Bossa Nova, samba, and reinterpretations of international music in Bossa Nova style. The performance has at its core a rhythm based on samba also influenced by jazz music.

Freek Wallagh, poet
Musicians from the RLAC Team (Albert Manders, Hinse Mutter, & Iara Perillo)

Freek Wallagh is a poet, painter, political scientist and activist. An Amsterdammer to his core, he tries to celebrate the city that shaped him, while warning for the dangers of gentrification, bigotry and prudishness. In March 2023, he was elected as Night Mayor of Amsterdam, tasked with representing the different nightlife communities.

Sharing his profound love for both the old city centre and the people in it, he will read from his collection “Urban Royalty”. Celebrating the bold stories Amsterdam has brought forth, he will guide the audience through mystic ruins and forgotten cities, contemplating what will be remembered in the end. He will be joined by the amazing Red Light Arts & Culture musicians, providing a wonderful mixture of poetry and music.

*The event is in English with dabbles of Dutch and there will be some adult content 😉


Jona Bosman en Nicole Kaandorp: gitaar, zang, synthesizer, verhalen

*The event is in DUTCH*

Kopje Onder is een tweepersoonsbandje, bestaande uit Jona Bosman en Nicole Kaandorp, een gitaar, sinds kort een synthesizer, en een hoop tekst. Samen maken ze verhalende Nederlandstalige liedjes over netwerkborrels, croissants, drank en wereldproblematiek.

Begin 2023 is hun nieuwe album ‘Shuttle run’ uitgekomen, met lekker veel elektronische geluiden en gesproken teksten. In december 2022 kwam de eerste single van deze EP uit: “Terug Naar de Gymzaal”, een ode aan de tijd waarin je niet na hoefde te denken over de maatschappelijke gevolgen van queer zijn, maar gewoon verliefd naar de gymjuf kon staren.

Kopje Onder heeft onder andere gespeeld op Explore the North, Stukafest, het Queer Film Festival Utrecht, in TapasTheater en vooral vaak op literaire avonden.


Pauline Ngolo, cello

Laura Rouy, classical guitar 

Duo Canopée’s unusual line-up is an attempt to break the stereotype that the guitar is confined to an accompaniment role while the cello sings. They prove that both instruments have a harmonic and melodic function. The Duo performs a repertoire full of contrasts, soft and light but also full of spirit and character, complete with original arrangements. This young duo wishes to create sensitive musical experiences and share their passion for music.


Lorenzo Servali, jazz bass 

Seçil Güven, live painter

Imagine the music is translated into a poetic visual language. “Marbling” is a painting method of an aqueous surface design that resembles patterns found in nature. Lorenzo’s live musical improvisations will lead the patterns of water by Seçil’s artistic vision. Every note of musical melody will turn into a piece of visual artwork to look at and maybe hear the music.

Lorenzo Servali (b. 1998) is a composer and double bass player, currently completing his studies at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. He performs frequently at home and abroad. He has been the bandleader of his band Imprevisti since 2022.

Seçil Güven (b.1994) is a multi-disciplinary artist and art teacher who lives in Amsterdam since 2016. She exhibited in the Netherlands and outside of the Netherlands actively in the recent 5 years. She founded Art Studio Amsterdam in 2019 where she organises art workshops & performances.


Anastasis Sarakatsanos, storyteller & musician

*The event is in ENGLISH* 

Anastasis uses his voice, the piano and qanun to tell his stories that take us on global and intimate journeys.

Born in Athens, Anastasis studied music, film and media in Greece and later in the UK. Since 2015, he has been living in Amsterdam and developing his work in music, storytelling and theatre, as a musical director, writer, performer and presenter. As a storyteller, he has performed at venues such as Mezrab, Stukafest Amsterdam and Brainwash Talks.


Benjamin Herman, saxophone

Joan Fort, guitar 

When Benjamin & Joan are placed together on a stage, a bridge from two different generations is built. These two musicians from the Dutch jazz scene find each other together in the challenging formation that the duo can be. Their common ground is rooted in the jazz tradition, and the emphasis is put on the groove and the melodic aspect that characterizes this music.

This musical performance will be the kick-off for our monthly events at We Live Here!